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Is Your Car Insurance Hurricane Ready?

Amani Turnage

Hurricane season is upon us once again. This year, forecasters’ predictions point to above-average hurricane activities, including six major hurricanes out of a total of 12 hurricanes and 25 storms.

If you’re like most people, you’re probably already thinking about how to protect your home. However, many forget their car is equally important and fail to provide it the same protections when prepping for a hurricane. Statistics estimate that Hurricane Ian damaged over 358,000 vehicles across Florida and South Carolina in 2022. That’s why you should think about car insurance for hurricanes today. 

What States Are Most Prone To Hurricanes? 

Knowing which states are most vulnerable to hurricanes this year is the first step to preparing for your car insurance for hurricanes. According to the CSU’s tropical weather and climate research team, areas expected to experience at least one major hurricane include:

  • The entire U.S. coastline
  • The U.S. East Coast, including South and East of Cedar Key and Florida
  • The Gulf Coast from the Florida Panhandle to Brownsville

What Insurance Coverages Are Crucial For Hurricane Protection?

Insurance is vital during hurricane season due to the damage these storms cause. Car insurance for hurricanes provides peace of mind during this period. You can rest easy knowing that no matter how severe a storm is, you remain covered for repairs and replacements.

Comprehensive Coverage

Your best bet at ensuring that your car insurance protects you from hurricane damage is comprehensive coverage. This car insurance covers any non-collision-related damages to your car caused by vandalism, theft, and natural disasters like hurricanes, storms, or floods. 

Collision Coverage 

Collision coverage may also be essential during hurricane season. This is because the likelihood of being in a collision when driving during hurricane storms is higher due to windy conditions, flooding, and reduced visibility. 

Full Coverage Car Insurance

Instead of buying collision and comprehensive car insurance for hurricanes separately, you can buy them together in a full coverage policy. Full coverage car insurance typically includes liability, collision, and comprehensive coverages, which offers a well-rounded protection plan during hurricanes. 

Gap Insurance

This insurance only applies if you don’t have comprehensive coverage. If you acquired your loan via loan or lease and haven’t cleared the amount, gap insurance can be crucial during hurricane season. This insurance type helps cover the difference between your car’s actual cash value and the amount you still owe on your lease or loan if the vehicle gets totaled.

How Should You Assess Your Current Policy For Hurricane Readiness?

If you don’t have comprehensive coverage, your policy won’t protect your car from hurricane-related damages. Comprehensive hurricane auto insurance is the only sure way to weather through a hurricane stress-free. However, there are several factors you must assess to ascertain your coverage entirely protects you from the financial burden of repairing your car. These include:

  • Evaluate Coverage Limits: You must ensure the amount your insurance will pay is enough to repair or replace your car if it sustains severe damage after a hurricane. This is especially important if you drive an expensive car or one with costly modifications that may exceed your coverage limits. To do this, consult your insurer and determine if you can adjust these limits.
  • Understand Your Deductibles: This is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. Always ensure you can comfortably afford your deductibles if you have to file a claim in the event of hurricane damage.
  • Check for Exclusions: Even with comprehensive car insurance for hurricanes, exclusions may still apply. Some policies may have specific clauses that exclude certain types of damage, so it’s essential to be aware of them to avoid surprises when filing a claim.

Are There Specific Car Preparation Tips To Minimize Damage During A Hurricane?

While buying comprehensive auto insurance hurricane coverage is essential, preparing your car for hurricanes can help minimize the damages. There are several things you can do to prepare, including:

  • Park in a Safe Location: If you plan to put away your car for the duration of the hurricane, ensure you park it in areas away from structures that can easily damage it, like power lines and trees. If your garage has proven to be safe from floods in past hurricane seasons, you can park your car there. An alternative can be public parking garages that offer long-term parking services during storms.
  • Disconnect the Battery: Electrical damages are common during flooding. Therefore, it’s best to disconnect the car’s battery if you’re leaving it behind during an evacuation or even if you’re just parking it until the hurricane passes.
  • Fill Up Your Gas Tank: You may need to evacuate your home quickly if the hurricane becomes too strong. You may need a full tank in such a situation because gas pumps may not work following power outages. 
  • Secure Your Vehicle: If you don’t have any option but to park your car outside, take measures to secure it, like engaging the parking brake, locking all windows and doors to prevent flooding, and using wheel chocks to prevent the car from moving in high winds.

What Common Mistakes Do Car Owners Make Regarding Insurance In Hurricane Zones?

If you live in a state where hurricanes are common, you cannot afford to make mistakes when purchasing car insurance for hurricanes. Comprehensive hurricane auto insurance is essential. You might think you’re saving money without it, but if a storm damages your car, the out-of-pocket costs for repairs or replacement can be financially overwhelming.

Another common mistake you should avoid is waiting too long to update your policy so it covers hurricane damages. Hurricane moratoriums are common in states that experience hurricanes, so waiting until they start to buy car insurance may not be possible. Moratoriums are periods when insurance companies stop selling and modifying insurance policies slightly before and during natural disasters like hurricanes. 

Fast, Free Auto Insurance Quotes

Find The Best Car Insurance For Hurricanes

Comprehensive car insurance for hurricanes is a must-have if you live in a hurricane-prone area. If you quickly need to compare auto insurance quotes that cover hurricanes, EverQuote can help. Get free auto insurance quotes and connections to agents for expedited car insurance decisions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does comprehensive auto insurance cover hurricane damage?
Yes. Comprehensive coverage insures your car against any damages that hurricanes may cause. 
How soon before a hurricane can I update my insurance to include hurricane coverage?
Hurricane moratoriums usually kick in a few days before the storm starts. Therefore, you can adjust your auto insurance as soon as a few days before the hurricane arrives. However, this period may vary among insurers, so it’s best to consult with your insurer. 
What are the typical exclusions in auto insurance for hurricane damages?
Typical exclusions may include pre-existing damage, wear and tear, and damages caused by neglect or failure to take reasonable precautions, like leaving your car windows or doors open during a storm.