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Car Insurance Costs Could Increase by 50% This Summer - Here's What You Should Know

Younis Shuaib

✅ Why you can trust EverQuote - EverQuote powers millions of shopper requests every month, teaming up with industry-leading insurance specialists to address real-world challenges faced by people every day. We partner with the largest insurance providers in the nation, and our content is carefully crafted by experts and reviewed by licensed insurance agents for accuracy and relevance. 

Car insurance costs, on the whole, have been increasing, and some may see an even greater jump this summer. Safety data shows a significant rise in accident rates in the warmer months, and as experienced car owners know, accidents usually translate to higher insurance costs.

Insurers determine costs based on total risk. How you drive, your car type, and even your location all contribute to your rate vulnerability. If you're looking for ways to keep car insurance costs low, with or without an accident, here's what you need to know.

Here's What the Data Says

According to the National Safety Council, car accidents trend upwards when summer starts. In 2022, the number of crashes per 100 million miles driven increased by 9.3% from April to May.

Not surprisingly, people also start to drive more in May. The total number of miles driven nationwide shoots from 254 billion in April to 269 billion in May — and that number doesn't come down until September.

People have good reasons for traveling. Americans spend more time with friends and family during the summer than in any other season. The weather is better and free time is easier to find. That's especially true for families, students, and educators.

Unfortunately, more cars on the road and a jump in the miles driven mean more accidents, which translates to premium spikes. At EverQuote, our systems have logged a consistent uptick in searches for savings starting in May. In 2022 and 2023, the proportion of insurance shoppers looking specifically to "save money" grew 12% between April and May.

While accidents aren't to blame for every summer savings search, they strain many tight insurance budgets. Even when you're not at fault, a single crash can increase your premium by 4-5%. At-fault accidents are even more damaging and can often drive your premium up more than 50%.

With the recent spike in car insurance rates, those increases have become more challenging to bear. The cost of insurance has increased by 26% over the past year alone, reaching a national average of $2,543 in 2024.

How to Stay Safe and Keep Costs Low

Safety is the first step to savings, especially when many cars are on the road. Accidents can stay on your driving record for three to 13 years, depending on your state of residence and the nature of the accident. 

Here are a few ways you can increase your driving safety and help keep costs down.

Get a Dash Cam

Dashboard cameras, or "dash cams," record the view through your front or rear window, depending on where you place them. Some can record speed, sound, and interior activity.

If you have an accident while using a dash cam, the recording provides objective evidence of what happened. Most accident investigations rely on personal testimony, which is always subjective and often unreliable. Video evidence is objective and can settle debates over fault.

Of course, since dash cams record what happened objectively, they also confirm when you're at fault. That accountability factor can be powerful.

However, in instances where you're not at fault, they can be immensely helpful in keeping a low rate — and not ensuring you're falsely held as the responsible party.

Travel Mid-Week

Increased traffic means more potential for accidents. If your summer travel timing is flexible, consider doing most of your driving from Tuesday to Thursday and before 4 p.m. According to the National Safety Council, fewer crashes happen during that time.

If you must travel on the weekend, consider becoming an early bird. From Friday night to Sunday evening, the lowest rate of crashes and fatalities happen between 4 a.m. and noon. In fact, you're half as likely to get into a collision on Saturday morning than Saturday night.

Shop for Options Early

Avoiding an accident is always job number one, but they can happen to even the best drivers. Before setting out on your summer adventures, shop around to ensure the best coverage for the best price.

EverQuote has the industry's largest network of insurance agents, making it easy to get professional advice. Our agents can help you find the most appropriate coverage for your budget and financial needs. No more worrying about paying too much or risking your finances with insufficient coverage.

Consulting with an EverQuote expert won't cost you a penny, and you won't waste time second-guessing yourself on coverage. With professionally recommended coverage, you'll drive confidently wherever summer takes you.

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How To Keep Premiums Low After an Accident

If an accident does happen, you don't have to wait years to reclaim affordable coverage. There are ways to reduce your costs even with a crash on your record, whether you’re at fault or not. 

Take Advantage of Accident Forgiveness

Some insurance companies "forgive" the first accident on your policy or the first accident in a certain number of years. You may receive this benefit as part of a loyalty or safe driver program or purchase it from your insurance company.

If you have yet to have an accident, ask your insurance company about available forgiveness programs. Also, consider shopping around — other insurers may have more attractive or flexible forgiveness programs.

Update Your Coverage

Changing your coverage is the most reliable way to bring down your premium. One popular strategy is to choose a higher deductible, which you pay out of pocket on a claim. As your deductible goes up, your premium goes down. 

Another option is to reduce your total coverage. Collision and comprehensive coverage are the easiest and safest to adjust, especially for older cars. These kinds of coverage reimburse damage to your vehicle.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, you can scrap or reduce this coverage if your car is worth less than 10 times your premium. You can still cut your coverage if your vehicle has a higher value, but you'll pay more out of pocket if an accident happens.

Look for Discount Programs

Many insurance companies offer discount options if you meet specific criteria. Some of the most common options include:

  • Safe driving discounts for those who have not been in an accident for a certain period of time, like 5 years, or those who download a safe driving app to monitor in-car behaviors
  • Affiliation discounts for members of community groups, professional associations, or university communities
  • Safety feature discounts for cars with select anti-theft 
  • Paperless billing and auto-payment discounts for policyholders who sign up

In the end, every driver is different. The best way to keep premiums low after an accident is to shop around and explore coverage options. You can change your insurance any time, even before our current policy expires, so don't wait!

How to Save on Car Insurance This Summer

Summer should be a time of carefree fun with friends and family — not a time to worry about insurance coverage. Stay safe and vigilant on the roads, and lock down an excellent insurance policy before you head out.

EverQuote is here to help you find the best rates. Review quotes online or over the phone and connect with agents who can answer your questions. Hit continue to start the process today and beat summer car insurance increases — before you beat the heat. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pause my car insurance?
Yes - but not every insurer or state allows this. You should consult with your current provider to confirm the options you have. A common option is to reduce your coverage to the state minimum when you don't expect to use your car for an extended period.
Will my insurance increase after a claim?
The short answer is yes. Getting into an accident (even when it is not your fault) will also likely increase your premium regardless of if you file a claim. Based on our data, we observe that both not-at-fault and at-fault accidents see at least a 5% increase after the incident - this figure go as high as 56%.

🔍 Auto Insurance Methodology - Premiums are sourced from over 30,000 zip codes across 200 insurance companies. We estimate premiums based on policies seeking 50/100 in liability with $500 deductibles for collision and comprehensive coverage. Rates are based a 35-year-old single female with a good credit score and no history of accidents or violations driving a 2023 Toyota RAV4 LE. We assume no unique benefits or discounts are applied for these rates. Your own rates may be different.