Is your summer job just not cutting it? With student loan costs, pricey textbooks and housing expenses, you might need some money to get by. What would you say to earning an extra $1,000 this summer just by keeping your eyes on the road?
EverQuote is launching its second annual EverDrive Safe Driving Challenge, a contest that awards $50,000 in scholarships to the safest drivers in America. The challenge, which kicks off June 7th and ends on Labor Day, serves to promote safe driving habits during the 100 deadliest days of driving for teen drivers. Simply download EverDrive from the Apple App Store or on Google Play before September 4th and start driving to be eligible for your state’s $1,000 scholarship. Scoring for the contest will officially begin August 21st, but any participants will begin acquiring miles from the moment they download and use the app.
No purchase necessary. Promotion starts June 7th and ends September 4, 2017. Must be at least 16 years old, or legal driving age if older. See full promotion rules.